I want to be clear: I am going to enjoy this break. But shit needs to be attended to, as well. It’s all about doing my best.

  1. Ornithology class: study bird calls, transcribe notes from two mbooksissed classes, read the second required article.
  2. Thesis: Finish final edits, meet with second reader, draw last two essay covers, assemble a draft for third reader
  3. ENR grant: draft river essay
  4. Making the future happen: buy a ticket to Belgium, draft grant proposals for South Africa (school and raptor fund)
  5. Fellowship: Draft Recovery article
  6. Sanity: finish my current cabled sweater, practice my new Shiva Rea dvds, hike Turtle Rock, clean my apartment
  7. Read: The Wet Collection, Rookery, The Way Things Are

The fact that I get to spend a week doing these things is why I love the life I have right now.