I may have been struggling to write my science book, and suffering a bit from imposter syndrome there, but that is not what I want to share today. Regardless of how the last couple of months of bird writing has gone, I have really loved teaching my nonfiction workshop at Colgate these last two semesters. I am sad and a little freaked out now that the semester’s almost over, because it means I will lose all of the inspiration and focus that my students impart to my own writing practice.
But! I have a plan.
Next month, I’ll be teaching a virtual workshop over at apiarylit.org and I hope to make it a regular thing. I have so many ideas for workshops and lecture-series I’d like to give (how to find and write great applications for fellowships and residencies, new nature writing, incorporating research without sounding like an asshole (working title) and about a million more), and this is a way for me to keep teaching whether or not there’s a brick and mortar job for me in Central New York.
My generative workshop will be focused on helping writers produce nearly 5k words in the month of April. I will give guidance and prompts, and then a ton of specific feedback on that work each week. Writers in the same workshop can optionally share and learn from one another as well. Apiary’s platform is flexible enough to allow me to provide readings, feedback, and forum space for my workshop in an integrated and easily navigated space.
I’m still writing. I’d like to keep teaching, too. If you or someone you know could benefit from an Apiary workshop, I’d love to hear from you. I can answer questions here in the comments or over at chelsea@apiarylit.org
(PS, there are also still a few seats in the poetry workshop, if poetry is more of your bag. Kenzie Allen will be teaching that one and she is phenomenal. Meredith Luby’s fiction workshop is already full, but Apiary hopes to offer more courses over the summer.)