Okay, one of them is how easy it is to forget to brush your teeth.
Another is forgetting how to talk to people–like, the cashier at the health food store doesn’t really care about your thoughts on coconut oil as a face cream.
And third, I’m just hypothesizing with a sample size of one, but I think it lowers my immunity to both germs and to bullshit.
We just went to a bunch of stores and I snapped at a cashier (not because he hadn’t heard the good news re/ coconut oil as anything but face cream–different store), rambled to a floor associate about an old ginger product I used to buy like ten years ago, and now that I’m home, I feel so exhausted and fevery. I feel like I got the flu in four hours of errands.
So, to bed with me, before I drop a house on somebody. I did not walk or meditate today, and I can feel it in my stress level.