Day 2 of going to bed after 1 am. This is no good for my health. And no good for my consistency.
Yesterday we saw Black Panther, and I liked it very much.
It took all day to recover from my panic yesterday morning. I wish it wasn’t so damn hard to just get my Ativan re-prescribed, but doctors here want you to go through rehab to prove you aren’t an addict before they’ll prescribe it and I don’t have the time/executive functions to jump through all the hoops. So instead, I just shake and rub my swollen eyes all day and feel wrung out and fragile. All for want of one tiny pill that I would take maybe once a month. They’d rather I take a daily low-dose anti-histamine. This goddamn world.
It snowed today, for the first time since we moved here. I want to go snowshoeing something fierce, and my have to try and drive up the mountain on my own to make it happen this week.
Tonight, we are going to see a band I like in Portland. It will likely be another late night, but hopefully not as late.
I’m supposed to grade some papers, but I am going to spend an hour knitting and then an hour reading and then I will do it. I’ve got to have one day at least half off a week or I’ll go mad. Goddamn the gig economy.